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School System > Reports & Studies on Education > Finance & Accountability
Reports & Studies on Education in California: Finance & Accountability
Equal Resources, Equal Outcomes? The Distribution of School Resources and Student Achievement in California
J. Betts, K. Rueben and A. Danenberg, Public Policy Institute of California, 2000
For Better or For Worse? School Finance Reform in California
J. Sonstelie, E. Brunner and K. Ardon, Public Policy Institute of California, 2000
School Finance and California's Master Plan for Education
J. Sonstelie and P. Richardson (Edrs.), Public Policy Institute of California, 2001
A New Blueprint for California School Facility Finance (PDF-24 pp)
Elizabeth Hill, Legislative Analyst's Office, 2001
School Facility Financing: A History of the Role of the State Allocation Board and Options for the Distribution of Proposition 1A Funds (PDF-47 pp)
Joel Cohen, California. Research Bureau, California State Library, 1999
Dollars & Sense: A Simple Approach to School Finance
Little Hoover Commission, July 1997
A Special Session Guide to K-12 Reform (PDF-40 pp)
Elizabeth Hill, Legislative Analyst's Office, 1999
A K-12 Master Plan: Starting the Process (PDF-68 pp)
Elizabeth Hill, Legislative Analyst's Office, 1999
The California Master Plan for Education (2nd Draft ) (PDF-96 pp)
Joint Committee to Develop a Master Plan for Education - Kindergarten through University (Sen. D. Alpert, Chair), July 2002
Professional Personnel Development Working Group Final Report (Master Plan for Education) (PDF-41 pp)
Joint Committee to Develop a Master Plan for Education - Kindergarten through University (Sen. D. Alpert, Chair), Jan. 2002
Analysis of the 2002-03 Budget Bill, Education Chapter
Legislative Analyst's Office, 2002
Analysis of the 2001-02 Budget Bill, Education Chapter
Legislative Analyst's Office, 2001
Analysis of the 2000-2001 Budget Bill, Education Chapter
Legislative Analyst's Office, 2000
Immediate Intervention/Underperforming Schools Program (PDF-20 pp)
California Education Policy Seminar and CSU Institute for Education Reform, 2000
A Double-Headed System: A History of K-12 Governance in California and Options for Restructuring (PDF-52 pp)
M. Haberman, California Research Bureau, California State Library, 1999